Friday, September 27, 2019

Pants collector was arrested

A office worker was arrested the other day.
It is suspected that Yuki Endo, 35 y.o. broke into a woman's flat and stle 2 pants.
According to the Tokyo metropolitan police, he has stolen another 78 pants for female. He said that he did it because he was so interested in women's hips and care only for pants.
Quated from TBS news.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Otaku's coupling party is on the verge of a cancel!

Otaku, a kind of nerd in Japan who is mostly regarded as fanatic anime or idol fan. Ordinary women generally have a negative impression against Oktaku for their abnormal taste. For example, Otaku tend to be a pedophilia and see teenager students sexually. In fact, school uniform for girls are a sexual symbol for them. Also, almost all Japanese idols have baby faces. Thus ordinary Japanese women are disgusted by Otaku.

One day, a couple matching company planned a coupling party for Otaku...... Needless to say, there are much more men than "woman"
They announced that the number of male applicants is 70 and female 1! They say it will be the worst situation unless more women apply to the party.

Would you like to attend the party?

Thursday, September 20, 2018

If your neighbor was a gang?

Japan is an island and its land is mostly covered with mountains. So there is not enough space for housing. Thus, prices of lands tend to be high and houses/buildings stand densely.
One day, a man, his nickname is Suica(water melon), draws lots of attention by his tweets about annoying neighbors. Suica said he has been in trouble with his neighbor. The neighbor seems to be a gang and makes noise every day even at night. For self protection, Suica set a monitor camera outdoor and uploaded the photos of gang's nuisance.

He said, "Oh,he came back and seems to start something. In addition, he started washing a car with friends. Can you understand my feelings when I walk along the scene?"

He has consulted police since 2012 but nothing is solved.

As explained, buildings here are close to each other, and mansions/flats have thin walls. So there often happens noise problem between neighbors. Some injure their neighbors and others even kill neighbors.