Sunday, January 4, 2015

prime minister's office bought thousands of nationalistic books?

According to the ducments revealed by the office of Japanese prime minister Sinzo Abe, his office paied to nationalistic publishers about 2 million yen(1,700,000$) in 2014. The publishers are so nationalistic that their "hate books" are well known among Japanese. Hate book is too much hostile to persons/countries that are hard on Japanese nationalists who try to justfy the invasion during WW2.

company sum
Wac 84,000yen
Seirindo 19,600yen
Sangyo keizai shinbun 1,070,000yen

The following are notable books those companies publish.


Bloom in the central of the world, Japan!

In fact, it is the USA that manupilate anti-Japan countries Korea and China!

Thanks to Japanese army, Asia got independent.

It's about the age of Japan!

Sangyo keizai shinbun

Korea slandering and China threatening Japan

Argue for disputes about modern history-Destroy lies about comfort woman spread by Asahi news paper. How we fight against Asahi, China and Korea-


The age of the gratest hate against Korea.

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