Monday, October 26, 2015

Bach's descendant became a comedian in Japan. why?

Johann Bach is one of the most famous composers in history. His works are time-honored and still listened to and influencing many of composers.
Today, his descendant, Nick, is performing comedy in Japan. He appeared on TV program "マルコポロリ" and talked why he came to Japan.
He told he is small and thus wasn't payed attention to by girls.  It's well known that many Japanese women are crazy about Caucasian and don't mind fxxking them easily. That's why he decided to visit Japan.
Although he came to Japan, his visa was about to be expired soon. So he applied to comedy company to get a working visa and finally became a comedian.
But his comedy group "time bom" hasn't become popular and can't get reward enough. Still his parents are kind of celebrity and aid him with about 12,000 US$ a month.

Friday, October 23, 2015

A peercaster was going to assault by another peercaster

Peercaster is somebody who lives broadcast. Last night, peercasters Unachanman and Tsurunoshin quarreled with each other.


Finally, Unachanman said, "I will kill you with kitchen knife" Tsurunoshin was Yakuza in the past and thus can't disregard provocation, he went all the way to Unachanman's home. This accident was of course broadcasted.
Since Unacanman's flat is protected by security equipment, Tsurunoshin broke the entrance made from glass and finally reached the door of Unachanman's room.

Tsurunoshin ordered Unachanman should answer the visit. But Unachanman got scared and didn't open the door and apologized to him. Tsurunoshin  didn't forgive him and finally tried to break the door.

10 minutes later, police came and Tsurunoshin got arrested.

Unachanman acknowledged his fault and said he apologize Ginnoshin. He uploated the photo of the door.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Japanese women are asked how many date do they do before sex with bf

Japan is often regarded as hentai, sxually abnormal land.
The other day, 200 white collar women are asked how many date they do before sex with bf.
The answer is the following.

in a first date : 25 women
2-3 times : 99
4-6 : 55
7-9 : 8
more than 10 times : 6

77 of them confessed that they did sex with the guys who they met for the first time.
How do you think of this result?

Friday, October 16, 2015

A teacher mistakenly showed pupils pron picture

According to Sports Houchi, a teacher working for junior high school mistakenly showed pupils porn. He wanted to show Darwin's Theory but just mistook. He used his private tablet in his class but it was forbidden.
Finally he apologized to students and their parents.

News sauce

Monday, October 12, 2015

Artist from Tama art university did again

You have read about Sano, who stole the idea for Olympic logo. Other artists from Tama art university, which Sano graduated are also suspected to steal other's idea.
This time, another artist from Tama uni, is suspected. The artist is called Kazuhumi Nagai. According to Wikipedia, he is one of the best friend of Sano.
Kazuhumi Nagai, quated from

Logo designed by Mr.Nagai

A logo designed for a lawyer's homepage.

Friday, October 9, 2015

A high school boy was raped by "fake girl"?

According to newspaper Sankei, a 17-year-old boy was scammed by the guy who pretends to be a cute girl on the Internet. The boy and the "girl" made an appointment but when the boy got to there, a guy appeared in stead of the girl.
The guy said, "I came on behalf of her and would let you meet her" Then the guy took him to the hotel. Suddenly, the guy confined, raped the boy. Besides, his walled with 10,000 yen($100) was robbed of. After that, the guy got arrested.

According to the police, the boy got "injured"
...Guess what happened.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Moving company is Yakuza?

Labor Union announced that a moving company "Arisan mark no hikkosiya(Literally means moving company of ant mark)" has imposed unjust environment on employees.
For example, the company doesn't wage employees for working overtime. It's called "service working overtime" Also, when labors mistakenly break furniture, he/she must compensate for it. Nobody can do without mistake. Thus company should have insurance for it. But it didn't.
The other day, an employee consulted a labor union and did collect bargaining. Then, the company wrongly fired him. It's against labor laws. So he sued the company so that he can back to the company and make the company compensate him for what it did.
After the trial started, the company acknowledged that he can back to the company. But it moved him to another office and ordered him to do manual and tiresome job shredding papers. So he sued the company for the wrong treatment and would like to get compensated. Also the labor union did a speech in front of the company. Then the company personals came and threaten them like Yakuza, Japanese mafia.