Friday, December 12, 2014

A shopslifter was almost captured and then he fired the shop in return.

Bakatter is the synthesized word composed of "baka(Japanese word meaning foolish)" and "twitter"
Today, a guy tried to shoplift but he was seen by a shoppersonel and almost captured. Then he avanged the shop and was so foolish that he posted the claim of responsibility for it on twitter. The tweets spread rapidly and he will be arrested soon.
The following tweets are the very ones.
First tweet:Daikoku(shop's name) in Suminomich? I was seen shoplifting and almost captured there so that I had fired the shop.
Second tweet:Did I avange too much? But Daikoku's shoppersonel was to blame. He should have overlooked my scheme. Everybody would fire the shop in revenge, if he was treated like that.

Daikoku seems to have burnt down. The damage must be so serious!

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