Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Reasonable??? Catch phrase of the pre-war Japanese government is talked about on the Internet.

As you know, Japan fought against China and the USA and other nations during the WW2. Since Japan is poor in natural resource, Japanese had to raise efficiency. In order to encourage them, an impressive placard was made.

Translation: Hideki Tokjyo's arithmetic. 2 + 2 = 80. This is Japanese arithmetic during the war. But you can't do it on the spot. Tackle difficult tasks with device, resarch and braver, you can realize "2 + 2 = 5" today and tomorrow "2 + 2 = 7" This is the key to rise efficiency till "2 + 2 = 80"

The guy in the placard is Hideki Tojyo, the prime minister of Japan when Japan began war against the USA by bombing Pearl harbor. He was sued for the responsibility and sentenced death penalty. Of course, this placard is just a metaphor to improve efficiency, but they expected too much. They expected unreasonable luck and believed that if you are motivated well, you can do whatever you want. But the reality won't go as they wanted. Japanese talked about the placard and said, "Since leaders at that time were so foolish, no wonder Japanese lost that war"

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