A dentist, 56 years old, got into debt in order to run dental clinic. But his wife got angy and blamed him saying, "Since you got into debt while you have no plan to pay it, kill yourself and pay the debt with life insurance!" Then she sent him an email filled fully with "死ね死ね死ね死ね死ね死ね...." "死ね" means "Drop dead!"This word is sometimes used when Japanese deny ohter existence itself. Finally the dentist commited suicide by hanging.
Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department arrested her for suicide abetting. According to the police, she acknoledged what she did but she didn't expect him to kill himself.
It is often said Japan is a male‐dominated society. But when it comes to household, wives tend to take intiative. There is a famous anecdote in which a housewife managed family income and savings. She sneakily withdrew the saving, which her husband had deposited before they got married. The sum is 10 million yen (85,000$) On TV program she confessed it to him and he was so shocked but forced to forgive her while smiling bitterly. Many Japanese despaired at it ang gave up getting married.
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