Monday, December 22, 2014

The Japanese govenment would like to train somebody like Steve Jobs

Ministry of Intarnal Affairs and Communications(MIC) held a business competition in order to find out an innovator equivalent to Steve Jobs, who brought about PC revolution. 617 applicants applyed to it with ideas of ingenious inventions and 10 of them won.

The funny thing about the competition is that MIC gives each of them no more than 3 million yen (25,000$) and the copyright of the inveition must belong to MIC.

Many of Japanese laughed at how stingy the Japanese govenment is. It's obvious that if you can become Steve Jobs by just spending 300 million yen, everybody would have done it so far. Basically Japanese public oficers and politicians are too foolish and their business often fail. No wonder the Japanese govenment has too learge debt.

The detail of the cometition is here(Japanese language)

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