Wednesday, December 31, 2014

A Japanese model is ranked in the 8st place in "The 100 Most Beautiful Faces of 2014"

American company TC callender revealed "The 100 Most Beautiful Faces of 2014" and a Japanese model, 25 years old, is in the 8st place. She is called Mirei Kiritani. In addtion to her, several actress are ranked in.

8th:Mirei Kiritani
Quoted from her profile,

25th:Satomi Ishihara, 28 years old.
Quoted from her profile,

45th:Nozomi Sasaki
Quoted from her homepage,

50th: Haruka Shimazaki
Quoted from her google+,

You can see the whole ranking in the following video.

Foolish man caused ebola panic

When one Japanese backed from Sierra, he had fever. It means he could have ebola. Health officer noticed him inspected him and announced a Japanese may have ebola. Japanese got pani After the news broadcast, a net user found his blog.

In his blog, he belong to a certain manufacture company selling machines for sterilizing. Also he said, he went to Sierra in order to aid peeple there with the machines. What is wrong is that he directly touched corpse infected by ebola. It's the riskiest thing when you deal with infected thing. He would be specialist in virus, while he did careless deeds.

The article of the blog spread rapidly and net users blame and laugh at them and came to think his company does a fraud. Although it was finally proved that he doesn't have ebola, his company will suffer from much damage by this panic. Who dares to depend on this company?

The postcard of the machine saying the cost of sterilizing is low(1.4 yen/litter) It also says they aid west African in order to save African from ebola.

Monday, December 29, 2014

A man with gray hair fell in love with a high school student

According to Nagasaki Prefectural Police, a suspicious man with gray hair gave a high school girl a tap on the shoulder and said to her, "I see you for the fist time but fell in love with you! How do you think of me?"
Needless to say, she called police and they try to detect him. He looked a man of medium build and has gray, short hair, wored baige jacket.

Net users got disgusted at the news but some complained and wondered there is no right to confess to others.

A university student did a secret filming and is punished

A university student going to Keio University did a secret filming and uploaded the photos on twitter saying,"I'll give you the dirtiest picture( ´ ▽ ` )ノ Since Yamanote line is so horrible line that I had no choice but to stand in from to of the two(≧▽≦)"

A net user found the tweet and spread it. Then people in "2chan", which is the largest online forum in Japan, got mad at her because she wasn't good-looking enough to look down on others, and she slandered other people badly on twitter. They began pursuing her. She stupidly tweeted her full name and the university she goes to. It was a matter of time to detect her. Finally, her tellephone number, address, her father's name, face, boyfriend, academic background, student code of the university and work place were found out. What is worse for her is that her past classmate uploaded her photos on 2chan and talked about her personality. Besides, some people called her workplace, home and university in order to let them know this trouble.

Ironically she posted the following on her blog.
"If you do something wrong, you will be punished for it. This is the simplest thing but many people forget this saying. I dislike such perople."
As she said, she was punished.

2chan user made her poster in order to altert that she is a person who does a secret filming. Her full name was on the poster but got rid of, for the protection of personal information.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Congress man:I'll kill you!

According to newspaper Akahata, published by Japanese communist party(JCP), a congressman in Shibuya city spoke out against JCP's congressman. The congressman is called Hidetaka Sawashima and he belongs to another party, Komeito.

The other day, a certain congressman went to observe German congress and said "Security there was like Nazi's gas room" Then, JCP's congressman blamed him and suggested that Shibuya congress should reproach him. But ruling parties, Liveral Democratic Pary and Komeito declined the suggestion. After that, Sawashima said to the JCP's congressman, "Shut up! or I'll kill you!" JCP pursued him and finally he apoligized the JCP's congressman.

Komeito is said to be connected to a kind of buddhism sect, Souka-Gakkai which is seemingly not normal religion. In fact, the leader of Souka-Gakkai has influenced the Komeito for long. Many Japanese wonder it's against Separation of church and state, ensured by the Japanese constitution.

The weird thing about this case is that while Komeito thinks much of peace, Sawashima threatened another congressman. In the past, Souka-Gakkai asked yakuza(Japanese mafia) to threaten persons who are hard on Souka-Gakkai. So the party is really hypocritical. You can know what Souka-Gakkai is like in the following link.

Wiki's page about Souka-Gakkai.

News sauce

Hidetaka's home page

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

In an exam, nationalistic high school student wrote "China" in a disciminative way.

A nationalistic student had a geography exam  and he wrote "支那(pronunciation is like shina)" instead of "中国(China)"

"支那" basically stems from its pronunciation, "China" and there is no discriminating meaning in it. But China's name in Chinese character, "中国" itself means "the central of the world" In other words, it means China is superior to the other countries. Japanese nationalists who look down on China don't want to call China "中国" and therefore came to use it in order to discriminate China. Thus today "支那" is equivalent to "jap" or "chink" 
"支那" is also used like "東支那海(east China sea)” and this usage doesn't have discriminating meaning. So whether "支那" has discriminating word or not depends on the context. In this case, he apparently used it in a discriminating way.

The teacher of the student gave a cross to the answer and the student complained and posted a tweet in order to show nationalistic followers the "teacher's wrong correction"

Some nationalists agreed with him but other Japanese who know common knowledge blamed him badly. Finally he gave up justifying what he did.

Monday, December 22, 2014

The Japanese govenment would like to train somebody like Steve Jobs

Ministry of Intarnal Affairs and Communications(MIC) held a business competition in order to find out an innovator equivalent to Steve Jobs, who brought about PC revolution. 617 applicants applyed to it with ideas of ingenious inventions and 10 of them won.

The funny thing about the competition is that MIC gives each of them no more than 3 million yen (25,000$) and the copyright of the inveition must belong to MIC.

Many of Japanese laughed at how stingy the Japanese govenment is. It's obvious that if you can become Steve Jobs by just spending 300 million yen, everybody would have done it so far. Basically Japanese public oficers and politicians are too foolish and their business often fail. No wonder the Japanese govenment has too learge debt.

The detail of the cometition is here(Japanese language)

Sunday, December 21, 2014

A Diet woman is suspected for illegal handling of campaign finance

Yuko Obuchi, A Diet woman and the daughter of the past prime minister Keizo Obuchi is now suspected for illegal handling of campaign finance.
According Japanese law, the campaign finance must be used for politician's political activity like collecting information.

For example, Obuchi's office spent 1.5 million yen($10,000) on buying green onion The industory of the place where she is elected is farming. It's obvious that she buy her surpporters' crops in reward to their supporting her. In addition, she seems to have bought baby goods for her baby. Also she enjoyed shopping in her sister's shop spending the campaign finance.  The total amount of money suspected to be illegaly spent is 100 million yen($850,000)

Now persecuters and police investigate whether her spending is illegal or not. But they found that her office has broken hard disk drive of the computer using a drill which seemed to record her campaign finance. no doubt it's the destruction of evidence. Accoding another news, after the scandal was broadcast, she enjoyed exclusive French restraunt. It means she hadn't felt sorry for what she did. Many Japanese got angy with her and argue that she should resign on the spot.

An ASCII artist made a caricature.

  |||   |||   ||| ||
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Obuchi's picture and the list of campaign finance which she seemed to spend illegally.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Wife:Kill yourself and pay the debt with life insurance! Drop dead! Drop dead! ....

A dentist, 56 years old, got into debt in order to run dental clinic. But his wife got angy and blamed him saying, "Since you got into debt while you have no plan to pay it, kill yourself and pay the debt with life insurance!" Then she sent him an email filled fully with "死ね死ね死ね死ね死ね死ね...." "死ね" means "Drop dead!"This word is sometimes used when Japanese deny ohter existence itself. Finally the dentist commited suicide by hanging.

Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department arrested her for suicide abetting. According to the police, she acknoledged what she did but she didn't expect him to kill himself.

It is often said Japan is a male‐dominated society. But when it comes to household, wives tend to take intiative. There is a famous anecdote in which a housewife managed family income and savings. She sneakily withdrew the saving, which her husband had deposited before they got married. The sum is 10 million yen (85,000$) On TV program she confessed it to him and he was so shocked but forced to forgive her while smiling bitterly. Many Japanese despaired at it ang gave up getting married.

Friday, December 19, 2014

A sperm bomber was arrested

According to Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, a game designer Kitamura was arrested for his sperm bombing.
He confessed that in the train, he approached a high school girl and threw into her bag a can, in which he packed condoms with his sperm and urine. It means he left his DNA in her bag. Thanks to it, and monitoring surveillance camera, police finally detected him.
He told he was too much stressed and wanted to relieve it by the crime.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Reasonable??? Catch phrase of the pre-war Japanese government is talked about on the Internet.

As you know, Japan fought against China and the USA and other nations during the WW2. Since Japan is poor in natural resource, Japanese had to raise efficiency. In order to encourage them, an impressive placard was made.

Translation: Hideki Tokjyo's arithmetic. 2 + 2 = 80. This is Japanese arithmetic during the war. But you can't do it on the spot. Tackle difficult tasks with device, resarch and braver, you can realize "2 + 2 = 5" today and tomorrow "2 + 2 = 7" This is the key to rise efficiency till "2 + 2 = 80"

The guy in the placard is Hideki Tojyo, the prime minister of Japan when Japan began war against the USA by bombing Pearl harbor. He was sued for the responsibility and sentenced death penalty. Of course, this placard is just a metaphor to improve efficiency, but they expected too much. They expected unreasonable luck and believed that if you are motivated well, you can do whatever you want. But the reality won't go as they wanted. Japanese talked about the placard and said, "Since leaders at that time were so foolish, no wonder Japanese lost that war"

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Prime minister Abe's authority?

Although Liberal Democratic Party of Japan(LDP) won the last election, it doesn't mean Japanese support the leader or LDP, primeminister of Japan, Shinzo Abe.
TV program presented by TV Tokyo surveyed 1,000 Japanese Electorates, and 100 reporters of politics. The result is the following.

How long do you want Abe adminisration to long? (asked to 1,000 electrates)
about two years 123
about a year 115
about an half year 105
about three years 99
the other 238

Also, 100 repoters are asked, "Whom do you want NOT to be Japanese prime minister the most?" And the worst one is Shinzo Abe.  Reporters said he is too hawkish and he must think nationalistic tendency is cool.

These survey will more or less tell you how Japanese complain about him and would like him to resign. Most Japanese aren't so rich that his policy won't benefit their lives. Besides, many economists argue that his economic plicy has failed. So less and less Japanese will support him.

Monday, December 15, 2014

The rise of communism in Japan

Japan is one of the capitasit countries. Today, more and more the gap between rich and poor is broadening because of globalization led by neo-liberalist party, Liberal Democratic Party of Japan(LDP) This is beacause the number of Japanese work as a part-time worker is increasing. The part-time workers aren't payed enough and get enough social welfare.
On 14th December, Japan had a national election and LDP won 291 seats(abmong 480 seats) in National Diet(congress) It means Japanese supported LDP's policy which benefits richer people. 

But there is another party which increased much more support from voters than the last election-Japanese communist party(JCP)- 
JCP has supported those part-time workers and argued that they should be more rewarded and fund abundant social welfare. So it's probable that lower classed vote for JCP and JCP gained more seats than the past. (8 -> 21 seats)
JCP's headquarter building, quated from

In a certain online forum, where poor people gather and dscuss politics, people got deligheted with the result.

Since their thoughs are opposite, LDP and JCP has been hostlie to each other. Thus, if LDP doesn't try to solve the poverty problem, JCP will gain more power and strong influence on  Japanese politics. It is probable that the Japanese map turns to red.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

"Highschool girl's smell of Menstruation period" is now on sale!

Today, Japanese word "hentai" has become one of the loanwords spreding in the world. In fact, even if you spell "hentai", Google Chrome doesn't underline it as a misspell.
This time, I'll introduce one of the hentai goods sold in Japan.
The name of the product is "女子校生の生理の匂い", which literally means "Highschool girl's smell of menstruation"

Its catch phrase is the following.


Translation: Specialist tried earnestly to reproduce the real smell of a teen girl, who is in the menstruation period. Try to give an accent to your clothes or underwears.

Of course most Japanese aren't so abnormal to enjoy it, but there must be some demand. In fact, some hentai are sexually aroused by some smell.
You can buy it with 1,048 yen. If you are interested in it, go here.

Friday, December 12, 2014

A shopslifter was almost captured and then he fired the shop in return.

Bakatter is the synthesized word composed of "baka(Japanese word meaning foolish)" and "twitter"
Today, a guy tried to shoplift but he was seen by a shoppersonel and almost captured. Then he avanged the shop and was so foolish that he posted the claim of responsibility for it on twitter. The tweets spread rapidly and he will be arrested soon.
The following tweets are the very ones.
First tweet:Daikoku(shop's name) in Suminomich? I was seen shoplifting and almost captured there so that I had fired the shop.
Second tweet:Did I avange too much? But Daikoku's shoppersonel was to blame. He should have overlooked my scheme. Everybody would fire the shop in revenge, if he was treated like that.

Daikoku seems to have burnt down. The damage must be so serious!